Sunday, November 29, 2009

Good Stuff Like Sweetpeas and Pom-poms...

My feet are beginning to touch the ground again after being in a golden bubble watching a new little life start working out what it is to be alive. I loved having my own babies but somehow, not being fatigued and bewildered by having given birth, it is just so much more fun watching a friend's baby being born.
So kind of back to normal today which was actually lovely. I am very much in the mode of Christmas present thinking so I finished a few bits and pieces and now am beginning to tackle a few decorations for the house. Because we have every second Christmas in Australia, it is really exciting having a New Zealand one where we can have a tree and get a little festive with friends. My latest little bit revolves around making lots of pom-poms (very quick with a pom-pom maker) and threading them onto waxed cotton. Better than tinsel any day (mind you, I really, really love tinsel...).
And then the other thing is finally sewing all of the crochet balls which I made a little while ago onto a knitted wreath. This one is going to be very good for doing in front of the T.V.
Oh dear, a toilet emergency, I had better go. Hope you have all had a good weekend.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A New Baby... Just Not For Me.

I haven't been at home very much for the last couple of days. Instead I have been in a magical universe with some friends who have just given birth to a beautiful little girl. I was lucky enough to be their support person, however, like the midwife, I missed the actual birth because she popped out into the world so quickly. Luckily since then there has been huge need for a tea-maker and that is something I can do very happily (even if I do drink the majority myself).
I have been busy making things and will show photos of pretty, sparkly stuff another time but right now the big blue couch is calling me.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My house as a garden.

The walls in my home are of the palest duck egg blue, the kitchen and steps provide a bright cheery contrast of red and green, but all in all, the paint work is pretty serene. Clustered around every surface however, a different picture emerges and these little pieces end up creating a riot of colour in our home. They are like annuals, easy to move, great while there but eventually gather dust and need moving. My next step in my house the wild garden, is sewing cushion covers, I guess this counts as re-potting and I am sure it is time to start pruning our cupboards. The floor was mown today and the dishes washed though with slightly more care than my gardening tools at the end of a muddy day. Speaking of which, I had better tend to the small gnomes lurking in the shadows, make sure they are fed and watered. Just a few little thoughts... xxooxxooxx.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cupboard Finds...

I found this jug cover in my cupboard today when I was scrabbling around, searching for a table cloth. My friend brought it back from Greece for me and while I have always treasured it, I haven't had the chance to use it much. But now upon its rediscovery, I am beginning to think that there is no way I cannot use it any more. I cannot be without it in my house. It must be on display and more importantly, in use. Because it is so beautiful and makes me feel at peace and enriched every time I look at it.
This is a little sneak peek at the next stage of Christmas preparation.
And this is what I am desperately trying not to read while Jonno takes the boys to swimming and I have a chance to cook dinner and have a general tidy. Usually I would let the temptation win but first thing tomorrow morning our Bank Manager is paying a visit and it would be so nice for him to walk through our front door rather than climb over wobbly piles of stuff.
I am starting to reintegrate into the idea of 'home' being in New Zealand again. The boys are certainly back to normal and over their separation. Those first couple of days were bliss though when they were just so happy to have someone to play with. Now the are beginning to think of their time apart fondly...
Well, off to check on dinner...
Night-night. xxooxxooxx.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Back Again!!!

We are home again but sadly, not with the tan and aura of holiday well-being I was hoping. Instead we staggered through customs bowed down with coughs, running noses and temperatures. I am sure I saw Jonno consider fleeing when he saw the Hugo and I emerge from the big immigration doors pale and sweaty.
However, after two days at home I am slowly unpacking our suitcases and coming to terms with everyday life again. But oh how my heart is still in its Australian beat. Yowsers it hurts living between two countries. And oh my goodness how I treasured my time with my family.
It was extremely hot for the majority of time I was there which meant Mum and I spent lots of time sitting in the cool inside crocheting... I have to admit, I couldn't see the downside to that. On their kitchen bench, three jugs of cool water huddled like refugees under a shared tea towel so my first job was to liberate them with their own cover as quickly as possible. It turned out to be such a pleasure as she had boxes of beads from my step-grandmother which I eagerly poured over, sorting between doilies.
Hugo had a ball with his cousins (loving their dress-ups to - is there a doctor in the house?) and Archie and Jonno had a great time with the house to themselves. It is just lovely to all be back together again though.
I better go and catch up a little bit more on the whole getting suitcases out of the house caper but will be back tomorrow with photos of fabric bought from my favourite shop in Melbourne.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gardening and Crochet.

Passports are quivering on the table, suitcases bulging with presents for far flung tribes and shoes are resting upside down with their bottoms rather than faces scrubbed. And aren't we just tripping lightly across a little ditch from New Zealand to Australia. There seems to be a lot of preparation involved for such a small flight. This is a good thing I suppose because it gives me the chance to feel like an intrepid traveller in my own backyard.
I thought I had better include a big bundle of photos because I may not be able to post for a few days. However, the really exciting thing is faster internet at my parent's house. It has been so appallingly slow for the last two months, I am now completely looking forward to having a good look around all of my favourite places and commenting and being a social person again. Of course that applies too all of my family and friends in the real world too...
I have popped in a few snaps of the garden as well to remind myself of green and rain in case I become a little too comfortable in Australia (of course Jonno and Archie staying behind will make me anxious to get back too).
The sun is shining and the school bus is still making its winding way to our stop so I had better keep pretending it is just a normal morning for a little bit longer. Hope to see you this week out in cyberland. xxooxxooxx.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

From a busy week...

Flowers Archie took to school for his flower day.
Getting the moses basket ready for a friend who is about to drop. I find it utterly bizarre to think Hugo used to fit it in. Right now if he even looked at it the sides would split.
I think the same thing would happen with this jumper. Jonno's mama knitted it for Archie and both boys ended up having a very long turn in it. I wish I could still dress them in kimono style clothing.
Archie's mosaic flower from flower day. Can you even begin to imagine how much I am loving this. And the ring of red beads...
And this is what I have been up to with my makings. I finished it last night trapped in front of 'Daddy Day-Care'. It's amazing what you can end up watching when you are determined to finish something. Strangely, when I finished the piece, I had no desire to watch the rest of the movie. I am sure it all worked out in the end.
As for this week, lots of packing because on Tuesday, I am flying home to Australia for a week. My DNA is needing some family time urgently and as for my skin, it's needing some dry Australian air. I am a little bit nervous though because I have just been told we are in for a hot week in the mid-30's... I am just not emotionally equipped for that, I have been lulled into the New Zealand version of a hot day which is lucky to peak at 28 degrees (c). I better go and weed out most of the woollen jumpers and corduroy pants. Just think of it as a tropical holiday, there you go, that sounds better already.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More pants (and an Iris)...

So pants are obviously the thing I just can't stop making at the moment. And then it occurred to me, knicker-bockers are kind of pants. Wahoo. Did anybody else spend their childhood in knicker-bockers, I thought they were the bees knees and my mum must have too. Actually, I think we called them peddle-pushers as well and I used to think it was hilarious because we often used to drive past a florist called Petal-Pushers.
I have so many things to put on the blog tonight but now the family has been fed, the boys tucked up in bed and the dishwasher humming, I am just to tired to remember all of my amazing insights. So, on that note I will make my way up to the big blue couch and collapse in front of 'Hester Blumanthal's Medieval Feast'. Bring on the madness.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Thank goodness I am the mother of two boys who don't mind a bit of retro in their life. It makes pyjama sewing so much more fun. Isn't the print above amazing - apparently it's from Brazil but there doesn't seem to be any brand with it, just a cut-out star fixed onto the roll with 'latest from Brazil' written on it. It's a mystery all right but who am I to question inexpensive, good quality cotton.
I have to admit that Archie was probably more receptive to the pattern because he had been looking at photos of Jonno from the seventies. Jonno was one psychedelic pre-schooler back then.
Well, time to sweep up the little sultana-like balls from the floor as we have a toddler coming over later and I don't really want him eating too much rabbit poo. I am sure a little bit would be okay though, it looks very nutritious, kind of like dried balls of kelp. Maybe.