Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ice Cream Colours and Beach Smurfiness.

Only a couple of beachy days left with the boys starting back at school tomorrow. Everything for me now is starting to take on a poignant tinge. However as ever, a splash of colour does a lot to cheer things up. I did a little bit of shopping yesterday and bought these two smocks and the ice cream coloured necklaces.

I could eat them.
Maybe Archie's iced chocolate was the inspiration...
Or the intensity of these colours - my niece was very kind in letting me photograph just her skirt.
The boys have been having a wonderful time with their cousins - I love how bionicles seem to be the most sensible choice of toy to take to a cafe. I almost felt like I should have left my knitting at home and grabbed something similar.
Uncle Boo came up with a brand new beach game - 'Wave Chicken'. The title is probably self explanatory - the gist being that everyone lines up in the shallows, face front to the waves. The first to hop up loses.... sometimes the really brave players wriggle out even deeper into the water.
I think this photo reveals the winning duo.
Auntie Jodie brought her very special vintage collection of smurfs with her to the beach as her favourite childhood memory was making smurf houses and castles in the sand. I think the kids will all remember this forever too.
Very sensibly, she lined them up to count first.
And they all came back home safely!
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Holidays with Grandparents.

We are very, very, very lucky at the moment having a holiday with two sets of grandparents. The boys are in absolute heaven - can you see how happy Hugo is to have his night-night story read by Fafa (my dad). I don't think Fafa minds somehow.

This is Fafa with his brand new blanket crocheted for him by Granny LouLou. She only began crocheting in September and has now completed two blankets (this one in chevron stitch!). To say I am impressed is an understatement.
Fafa's toes are being kept warm by some slippers I crocheted for him this week. Last night he was very content snuggled up in his blanket with slippered feet.
Hugo's Gran Gran gave him this elebank which he is thrilled with. There was a moment of alarm however when he put his hard earned lolly money (something that only happens on holidays) into the elephant as unfortunately (or fortunately), once coins are put in, short of breaking the bank they don't come out again.
I've also finished some wrist warmers for an imminent birthday. It's a weird pose I know but it is very hard to have a natural shot of gloved hands. I look like I am practicing an Easter Bunny pose.
Time to get back into a bit more colour now that I have finished those little jobbies.
And guess what Granny LouLou did for me - would you believe she tucked in all of the tails for Hugo's blanket, a project I finished about 18 months ago. She just sat down and did it. The joy I feel in this cannot be explained by mere words. But, there is a lot of joy.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. For people who enquired about how my bike would cope with rain - I keep it in a garage (in fact I really refer to it as being 'stabled') and I don't go riding in bad weather anyway. A little bit of rain would probably give it a good wash so when it becomes a little grubby I may even wheel it outside during a storm - although I cannot imagine doing such a thing at this stage...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Summer Magic.

Let me first begin by saying we are so, so, so very lucky that Jonno has a good job and that he is an extremely hard worker with a wonderful work ethic, but, it also means that family holidays with us all together are few and far between. It also means that he often works 7 days a week and during the busier parts of the year, this can be for quite a run of months. The thing with Jonno though, is that the moment he is home, he is completely onboard gives his all to the boys (and of course to me too).
As a result, when we do find ourselves on a family holiday, we revel in every minute of it and if the weather is good, then so much the better.
This holiday has found us almost in our own backyard, Waihi Beach way.
We have swum, ridden bikes, walked, explored and even made things...
It has been so good for my soul to see the boys full of adventure, happiness and health. They are almost sleek with it (I must add here that the summer holidays certainly did not begin this way).

I have made batch after batch of melting moment biscuits for the beach - they seem to be the best way of warding off sea water shivers. Fortunately the boys eat them before I can have too many.

And seeing Jonno dolphin about with the boys in the water has just been fantastic.

Nothing like little boy's fingernails covered in nail polish and sand.
And the other thing which is so good about being here - that if Jonno has to go home and roll silage (which he will have to do tomorrow), it only takes half an hour to get there and the boys and I can continue on with our holiday, swimming and swimming and swimming.
Lots of love, Kate xxooxx.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good Places to Knit.

These summer holidays, my knitting has come everywhere with me. In the photo above we have just come out of a long tunnel filled with glow worms and stalactites and found ourselves at this amazing swimming hole. Where better to pull out morning tea and continue on with a knitting project....

This tunnel was at least fifty metres long which doesn't sound huge but being quite narrow and full of interesting things, it took a very long time for two little boys to walk through and examine everything. Glow worms are magical, they made it feel like we were walking through a space tunnel.
This is my current project, wrist warmers for a birthday present. I love how quickly they knit up.
Here we have a very crucial operation being undertaken - Ted Ted's tail being reattached with some specially selected gold thread. Hugo loves his little friend so much that he had to hold his paw (even though Ted Ted was under a general anesthetic at the time).
And shared relief. I love how Hugo has to keep an eye on Ted Ted.
Still loving Summer - we had a wonderful swim today with lots and lots of waves caught (and released - we are very humane).
Better tootle (make that bike) on home and start dinner.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Bribe/Reward....

First of all, thank you so much for all of your comments - they brought a huge smile to my face this morning (making me look slightly maniacal in the cafe while I use their internet again....).
Archie accompanied me on a big bicycle ride today and was treated to an icy-pole as a reward.... He even posed by the bike for me which was very obliging of him, particularly as he wore a green shirt which provided a wonderful back ground for the crochet.
Can you imagine how happy I was with the yellow shop!!!
Once again, few words as I always feel a little self conscious using someone else's wifi (very grateful though). I promise there will be non bike related posts again but at the moment I it's hard to think about anything else. If only I could crochet a cover for my car seat - I don't think that will happen somehow - it might perhaps be the beginning of the end... or maybe not.
Back on my bike,
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. if anyone does any bike pimping please leave a comment because I would LOVE to see what you do and how you do it. xxooxxooxx.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Bike.

Eeeekkkk - I can only write a quick post as for various reasons, my only access to Internet at the moment is in a cafe and I have spent a ridiculously long time loading photos. They are now starting to look at me as though maybe it's time to either re-order or hop on my bike.
And so - this is my new, extremely pimped up bike. I'll get more photos up at a later date and it is still undergoing construction but I am very happy!!!!
Jonno asked Archie where I was this morning and he said "Downstairs working on her bike". I thought that sounded like a very cool thing for a mum to be doing - even if it was with a needle and thread...
The basket is working well, good for keys, bread, money, Hugo's feathers, etc, etc, etc.

But sometimes it is too hard for a little boy to put his little red shoes in the basket and a bicycle seat will do.
Well, thank goodness summer has arrived in N.Z. at last. We are revelling in it with lots of beach swimming (Hugo has turned out to be a demon boogie boarder) and bike riding. I can't believe the freedom that comes with riding a bike around with the kids. Summer is good.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxxooxx.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More Baskets and Bunting Necklaces.

Well, the bicycle basket is done and now waiting to be attached to handle bars. I am still thinking about making an oilcloth bucket/bag to slip into but that may be another project for another month.

And the other bit of busyness involves these little bunting necklaces which I am thinking about putting into a shop in town. I have to come up with a price for them though..... always awkward.

Now, a huge thank you for all of your lovely comments on the tutu post - you made me feel VERY happy!!! And yes, I had better to start thinking of more events to wear it to.... maybe just to town?
Well, off to the library - my favie place in the world.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.