Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tutus and Tiaras... and More Yellow Shoes.

I am going to apologise in advance for this post which is a celebration of wearing my first tutu ever!!!! Last night we went to a friend's 40th with the theme being 'a little bit of glam'. And so I made a tutu by using the no sew method (if you google no sew tutu method, one millionbillion hits will come up). Our very bestest neighbour came to babysit last night and took lots of photos so if you have seen enough in the first picture, stop scrolling now because there are thousands to come. But honestly, how often do you get to dress up and have a photo session to boot?

Now, as for the yellow shoes - they are from a New Zealand chain store called Glassons and were only $30. Irresistible. The whole range of shoes were amazing but the yellow called out to me personally by name. I also made a little silver bunting necklace to wear last night as well - I will have to do a little tutorial on it soon but I am sure many of you will be able to work out how to do it just by looking.
The boys are hammering bottle tops on the shed (their new hobby) so I had better go and make sure they aren't using the other's foot to rest the hammer on or anything.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxxooxx.
p.s. One more big sorry for the gratuitous tutu shots.