Monday, May 28, 2012

A Framing Day.

Today I picked up some photos I had framed. I'm hoping to enter them into a local art show and am feeling very nervous. Although, when I think about it, if they're not accepted than I will have lots of pictures to hang on my wall.
It's a very grown up thing to get something framed... even if they are photos of crocheted rabbits.
Have a lovely day/night!
Love Kate xxooxx.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


The Stanley House is undergoing a good wall papering... a process which has  been greatly helped by  good cups of tea. How do people function without it?

Today however is Sunday and this is what I would actually like to be doing.... and will in fact do.

I hope you don't mind the blog undergoing a few changes. I started playing around with it last night and  ended up deleting my original template. I am feeling more than a little ambivalent about the changes but am absolutely thrilled that I can have bigger photos. 
Time to rescue a cake from the oven - hopefully it will be a good one - a new recipe that Hugo and I were keen to tryout. 
Have a lovely Sunday,
Love Kate xxooxx.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Et Voila!

 My bag is now officially finished and ready for use!!!
 The pattern comes from 'Little Things to Sew' by the creator of Oliver + S, Liesl Gibson. Funnily enough the lining fabric is from her new and extremely affordable range found in Spotlight. The oilcloth comes from Nani Iro (grrrrrrrr).
It even hangs up on the hook nicely, sharing space with its new scarf and coat friends. I can't wait to take it into town tomorrow.
Thanks for your lovely comments over here and at the Mollie Makes blog yesterday. It was so much fun. I have to admit I kept popping over to see if anybody looked (and thank goodness they did!).
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mollie Makes and Other Excitement.

 My first bit of excitement for today is that I have discovered that quilting clips (otherwise known as hair clips) are amazing for pinning oilcloth projects together - wahoo. I am well on the way to finishing my bag now.
 I don't know if this obsession with yellow corduroy will ever end... typing this I know I'll look back on that statement in five years with dismay and bewilderment. 
This rotary cutter is my new friend. I can't believe he sat in a basket for two years without being used. I am taking him for a walk every day at the moment.
Now as for my other very exciting news, later on today I am going to be the guest blogger over at Mollie Makes!!!! Go and check it out.... 
I'm about to leave the house for a girl's dinner at my friend Asa's house. Asa is a nurse and works long hours so her husband is cooking a roast for us - I melted when I heard that. 
Better go and pack my bag with knitting, slippers and wine.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Nom Nom Cafe.

 On the weekend we had a wonderful bonfire night, burning a huge and ragged collection of wood that has been steadily growing over the past 18 months. The children had a wonderful time with all of their friends and only retreated inside when it became so freezing their fingers turned black... that actually may have been from soot now I come to think about it. When we came inside a little later we found this amazing scene they had created from all sorts of ingredients found in the kitchen.... One of my friends is a very daring Swede and she delighted all of the children by trying every concoction. Poor thing, I later realised that hand cream was one of the principle ingredients... along with chili. Luckily I only use natural products.
 The labeling by my nephew Wil was breathtaking.
 The next day the boys and I spent a long time folding paper planes to take down to the left over bon fire. We then spent a pleasant morning flying them into the embers, watching them crash and burn. So much fun.
 It paid to study the fire and the wind direction before launching. Serious stuff.

Nothing like the first plumes of smoke appearing.
A sewing morning awaits for me now the boys have been sent to school. The sun is shining, the air crisp and cold and clean clothes will be hanging on the line in a moment. Happiness.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Around the House.

 Archie made me laugh this morning by carefully matching a papier mache bird's head to a crocheted bird. Sometimes inspiration is ridiculously easy to find at home.
 Ready to make a quilt sandwich anyone?
 Stanley is still waiting for his renovations to be complete....
 If I could do anything today it would be this...
 My new photo wall!!!
 And a newly framed photo of Stanley's mother with her new 'friend'.
Would you like to meet my new knitting bag. It is turning out to be the best one ever, long enough for knitting needles to lie down straight, pockets for measuring tapes, room for books and flowers for beauty.
Better fly as it's school assembly time.
Love Kate xxooxx.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Little Bit of Quilting Love.

 Well knock me down with a feather, but I think I like quilting. Inspiration hit with this quilt by Petal Plum made for Stef the bride and I have been wanting to make my own Nani Iro version ever since.
 I have finished the top now and have reached the next stage where words like quilt sandwich come into play. It makes me feel strangely hungry .....mmmmm..... quilt sandwich. I found some 50/50 cotton and bamboo batting from Spotlight as I would like it to be light weight for the summer. The binding will be with yellow corduroy.
 And of course, like all crafting phases, it is not enough to have just one quilt on the go. On pinterest there has been a few unfinished quilts appliqued onto fabric, a great way to finish a stalled project.
I began this granny's garden hexie quilt years ago, using a tiny template which meant that growth was very slow. I don't think I will ever get fully back into this particular one so instead I will turn it into a single quilt for the guest bedroom. I am so looking forward to completing it.
I hope you like my new header - I always feel a little strange with blog changes but I am beginning to think that I might like this one even more than the last.... 
Anyhoo, I had better rescue the corned beef and serve it up for dinner.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Good Byes....

 We have had such a special couple of weeks with Mum and today we said our brave/sad good byes. 
I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful Mum who encourages me with everything I do and loves me so, so, so, so much. She is even nice to Jonno and the boys!
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Renovations on the Stanley House.

 Our boys don't have a dolls house - they have a Stanley house (named after a little crochet bunny I made a while back). It's much more manly for them to have a Stanley house and it means they are always keen to show their friends who likewise enjoy a good Stanley house.
At the moment it is having some cosmetic surgery - this time it's getting a little gritty looking... 
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fluffy the Deer Finds a Home.

 I don't know if you can remember Fluffy the deer who I made late last year? I finally hung him up on the kitchen wall, giving him the respect he so deserves.
 He is actually surprisingly good company for when I am cooking - always looking over my shoulder with an interesting comment or suggestion.
 As mentioned in my last post (a week ago... eeek), Mum has come to stay and we have been working on a quilt together using Nani Iro fabric. Any decent strip left over from the main pieces have been assembled and I am hoping there will be enough to make a cushion from.
Look at all of those neat little piles. So satisfying.
Have a lovely day/night!
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.