Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A couple of Easy Easter Projects.

First of all let me say a big thank you for all of your comments in the last post - you gave such great advice and so much to think about. You are all such a great resource and I am so lucky to have you!!!
Yesterday morning I had to quickly come up with a couple of easy crafts to take with me to the school library which I open on Tuesdays at lunch time. Something I could do beforehand and another I could do with the kids.
 So using glassine origami paper I cut out these egg shapes and stitched them up on the sewing machine. A very quick project indeed.
 And made travel safe courtesy of a cardboard envelope.

 The project for the kids had to be achievable in 30 mins and accessible to a variety of ages. So, I had them finger-knit a length of yarn and then I sewed it up into a little nest. Older children were able to do their own sewing. Did anybody else harbour a bit of a fetish for these baby chicks when they were growing up? I still love them.
They are now dotted around the school library looking very cute and festive.
Still have to write up the egg cosy tutorial...
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Question For You!!!

 Hmmmm. I just noticed a smear of marmite on this egg cosy. There was only one little boy eating marmite this morning so, mystery solved. Now, as for the egg cosy photos - I am hoping to have a pattern up for you by tomorrow but that may be a little ambitious.
 Okay, next on the agenda, I HAVE A BIG QUESTION FOR YOU!!!
As I am slowly getting ready to have an online shop, I am wondering - do you find it easier to buy things on etsy or from someone who has their own website? I am so looking forward to being able to sell cards and patterns (continuing to have lots of new free patterns on the blog) but am still waiting to have a chat with the accountant. 
I am keen for as many opinions / bits of advice as possible so PLEASE leave a comment if you can.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A New Jumper and Skirt... The Big Reveal.

 Okay... so two posts in one day - I must be really excited about my new jumper and skirt. REALLY EXCITED. So excited that I made my eldest son take photos of me.
I really hope this one doesn't scar him for life....
 In this one I am Gangnam styling a little. Archie likes this one.
Oh the laughing.
And here, a little more natural and thoughtful. Watch out NZ's Next Top Model - I have so many different poses.
And this one. It's of my yellow shoes which are an essential part of the whole pink corduroy look...
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. This jumper pattern comes from Mel Clark's wonderful book "Knitting Everyday Finery" and is the second time I have knitted it because I love it so much.

My Jumper.

 This weekend while all the boys were away at cub camp, I managed to finish my jumper. It is so soft and warm and fits like a dream. I will ask Archie to take a photo of me in it when he comes home from school later.
 Even though the boys were away I had my new rabbit keeping me company. I will crochet a garland for him, he is needing a bit of Easter fanciness.
And now I am about to head upstairs and finish off a pink corduroy skirt I began yesterday for my own bit of Easter fanciness.... there is nothing like eating chocolate eggs dressed in pink corduroy, living the dream I am, living the dream.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Next Thing.

 I am working on a few projects at the moment and enjoying them all depending on the mood I'm in.
 This is a foot stool / storage container that I am covering with granny squares for my studio. Slowly and bit by bit it is starting to look 'interesting' up there again. Creative mess is good mess.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Finished Quilt.

 Today I finished my quilt. I can't quite remember when I began it, some time last year when Mum came to stay. There wasn't much to do, just a few squiggly lines (there was already so much geometry in the pattern) to hold it together and Bob's your uncle! This is one of Archie's photos - he had another day at home recovering from his cold.
 On the machine - how I love my walking foot!!!!
 And then, on the bed. I had my best afternoon nap today, just the right temperature. The wadding is a bamboo/cotton mix and perfect for strange autumnal warmth.
 This is another of Archie's photos. I know I am his mother and completely biased but I really do think he has an eye.
 And my basket for today. The shop Cotton On always has the best inexpensive bags on sale to put your newly acquired goods in. These bags were maybe $2 each with 100% of the proceeds going to charity. It's so easy to be charitable when the aesthetics are just so....
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Crochet Adventures.

 On Sunday I went off on a little jaunt to learn how to yarnbomb with my best neighbour. It was held by our new bloggy friend Emily from wildandgrace at her beautiful home. She has written the most wonderful post all about it so I will leave it to her to explain what we were up to.
In the meantime - here are some photos I took of the couch I was sitting in - Not something I usually do but I couldn't resist this time....

 This is the basket I took. You never know what you might need to make.
 Emily's wall....
Emily's couch again....
 Emily's chair....
 And for soemthing a little different - some presents I wrapped this morning in graph paper and washi tape.
It was very early.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

More Crochet Easter Eggs.

Tomorrow is my friend's birthday and as we are rapidly nearing Easter, I thought some eggs might be appropriate. I am very lucky because another friend has a free-range egg farm and she has given me lots of plain cartons. Wahoo.

 This morning has seen me playing around on picmonkey to come up with a quick label. I love picmonkey big bits to say the least and have signed up for the paid version (this is not an advertisement by the way). 

You can find my tutorial for crocheted eggs here!
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hexie Crafting.

 Today's photos (apart from the final two) have been taken by my big boy Archie who is almost 10. I was blown away when he showed them to me and also very greatful as it not only saved me a job but added a whole new dimension!
 Over the past couple of weeks I have slowly reorganised my studio and now that it is very neat, it looks very boring. So I have decided to work on a few small projects for it.
This morning I cut out washi paper hexagons and glued them to a cork board. The gluing wasn't perfect but the beauty of this project is that you then get to put photos and thumb tacks over the imperfections...

 Archie made a fortune teller for me. Very handy and great choice of paper.
 Here is Archie in my new little crafting booth. He is the first one to use it so v. exciting. How great is the internet for origami patterns by the way.
Cosy. By the way, I have decided to leave the hexies there as I will be adding a few other bits and pieces to it.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Disco Balls.

 I am a great believer in the power of a good disco ball. This one I bought a couple of weeks ago for Hugo's birrthday party (from Ajay's Emporium for those in New Zealand). I am now feeling about 10 more would be perfect for the pergola outside but have decided to set that goal aside for the time being due to good financial sense....

Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.