Thursday, August 6, 2009

My creative space...

This week, my creative space is to be found out and about on the farm. Our herd manager has broken his thumb and is off work for six weeks (ouch). As we are calving, Jonno is flat out so he has delegated big calf feeding to me. My job is to drive the big milk container out to the paddock and feed the calves who have graduated from the baby pens. Jonno very kindly went over the ropes with me again as it has been quite a while since the last time I drove a ute with hundreds of litres of milk into a paddock of glossy, frolicking calfies.
After they had their fill, Jonno and I sat quietly and listened to the milk sloshing around in their bellies as they ran about.
So yes, even though I am not creating much this week, I am still thinking creative thoughts as I stand about filling milk into calf feeders with a fire-hose. I guess my point is, we are our creative space and even if the physical space isn't there, the most important part, the thinking part, is always at work.
Oh, yes, the flower at the end was in my garden and I thought I had better include a bit of prettiness because we are such a visual bunch. Thanks Kirsty for letting us join in on your game and to see more players, visit here!