Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ready to Sail.

A little boat on a wide and floral ocean.
Behind the scenes - not too bad.
Ship-wrecked on coral.
Hanging out at port.
A bit of rigging.
My biggest work-in-progress being Archie's jumper.
I would love to write a long, interesting and spectacularly funny post tonight but I think I am a bit sapped from the relentless humidity that seems to be tugging grass from the soil to the sky as we speak. Jonno is very happy to have grass growing for his cows at a time of year where paddocks are often brown. And I am too, however, having grown up in a country with dry heat, I find breathing in saturated air a little difficult. I hope I haven't caught myself complaining because this little bit of grass growth is amazing.
Have a nice night. I am off to knit Archie's other sleeve now. Wahoo (I mean it, that wasn't sarcasm).