Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fat Stanley and the Tapestry.

After completing the tapestry last night, I decided to have a play around with a simple pattern for a little bunny knitted in once piece and using scraps of wool. And so, Fat Stanley was born. He is sort of the post Christmas and New Years Stanley, chubbier and perhaps slightly more happy.
I don't have time over the next few days to turn the tapestry squares into anything so it has been temporarily put into an Ikea frame... however, you know how these things work. It will probably be up on the wall for quite some time now.
In this photo the navy blue appears to be black but really it is a beautiful dusty colour.
Stanley before the end/beginning of year celebrations and after. In fact, if I am honest, it is a reflection of how I am feeling. I don't know if I told you the results of my Weight Watcher's jaunt but I ended up losing 13kgs!!! The last few months have seen me cope just with maintaining it but after Christmas/New Years/Wedding I am feeling pretty sluggish again and have to now face being sensible. The problem with teaching your body how to be healthy is that it rebels when you go through a not so great stage. So yes, back to listening to my stomach again.
There he lies bloated and happy, dreaming of being able to roll on his side.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxxooxx.