Thursday, September 8, 2011


It really, really, really seems to be Spring at long last. The breeze has this new quality which I call (for some strange reason) ice cream air where it wafts by in layers of warm and cold and smells slightly floral. It really is delicious, good quality air in New Zealand at the moment...
My daffodils are all trumpeting about and giving me lots of inspiration to make things yellow and orange coloured - they are such cheerful colours aren't they - and they tend to give such a lift to multi-coloured projects.
Right now in our house it is very exciting because I have my Dad and StepMum (Fafa and Granny Lou Lou) staying. The boys are in heaven as there are always willing eyes to watch their amazing tricks and patient (amused) ears ready to listen to all of their stories.
Fafa and Granny Lou Lou are very, very happy to spend their holidays eating bananas. Apparently in Australia, bananas are between $16-$18 per kg. because of the storms and flooding in Queensland. In New Zealand they are around $1.99 per kg. because they are sourced from the Philippines - not very eco friendly I know but we don't buy them very often, just when our potassium levels begin to dip. Right now I have a banana cake baking in the oven. When bananas are that expensive, they must be eaten straight away and so, a cake is true luxury.
Anyhoo, I had better hang some washing on the line while the sun is shining and remember to take the baking out of the oven.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.