Thursday, January 12, 2012

Behind the Scenes.

Here are a few sneak peeks of some projects I have been working on at the moment. Above is my wicker bicycle basket which I am so ridiculously excited over - it is still very much a work in progress. Only a few more days though and then I will be able to ride to the shops and put milk (bottled - wicker is quite porous) in it. It will be the most fancily delivered milk ever...
Crown progress is coming on. The pattern for an adult is very similar to the toddler's but ties at the back.

The toddler crown is crocheted in a circle.
And this is the tiny and very much experimental beginning of a new phase where papier mache and crochet get to make a forest together. I have been getting into the habit of showing a piece only when it is finished. This year I really want to show my workings more on the blog and record the making of it to show how things evolve.
So this stumpy thing is the beginning of a tree pattern. I like the logginess of it but am needing to work on tapering the end more.
The biggest whack of inspiration came from Archie's casual draping of the crown over the hill. I love it and now need to find a way to work them together. It's all very castley.

Right now I am revelling in some hard won peace between the boys (they certainly have many moments that are not worth photographing for the blog), marvelling in two days without rain (not including showers during the night) and roasting a chicken in milk which according to this recipe by Jamie Oliver is a very sensible thing to do. And it smells so good already.
Have a lovely day/night.
Love Kate xxooxxooxx.