Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A couple of Easy Easter Projects.

First of all let me say a big thank you for all of your comments in the last post - you gave such great advice and so much to think about. You are all such a great resource and I am so lucky to have you!!!
Yesterday morning I had to quickly come up with a couple of easy crafts to take with me to the school library which I open on Tuesdays at lunch time. Something I could do beforehand and another I could do with the kids.
 So using glassine origami paper I cut out these egg shapes and stitched them up on the sewing machine. A very quick project indeed.
 And made travel safe courtesy of a cardboard envelope.

 The project for the kids had to be achievable in 30 mins and accessible to a variety of ages. So, I had them finger-knit a length of yarn and then I sewed it up into a little nest. Older children were able to do their own sewing. Did anybody else harbour a bit of a fetish for these baby chicks when they were growing up? I still love them.
They are now dotted around the school library looking very cute and festive.
Still have to write up the egg cosy tutorial...
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.