Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hot Water Bottling.

 It's funny how with the change of season, project ideas begin to evolve. Late Autumn every year, I always begin to make a few hot water bottles for family and friends. In the past they have been sewn, quilted and knitted. This year however, they are being crocheted. 
While I have been nutting out the pattern, I have been laid low with a cold. It is such a comforting thing to crochet while not feeling 100%. Mindless and nurturing at the same time.... hang on, I think that is probably how the boys would describe me at the moment too...
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. The yarn bombing at school went well. I stayed at home to retain a bit of anonymity but I think they guessed anyway. Archie did his level best to deny all claims - bless his cotton socks.