Monday, July 29, 2013

A Farewell to School Holidays...

Goodness me! I am writing this post this morning after putting the boys on the school bus and having a frantic 1 hour's clean up of the house. It is amazing how much you can achieve without answering questions, opening lids and refereeing fights.... amazing.
We had a wonderful, busyish, relaxingish holiday with a week spent at my in-laws' bach (NZ term for holiday house) at the beach. Jonno was calving so it was just the boys and myself, but with a couple of days spent with the grandparents too! If my grammar is appalling right now it is because my brain has now turned to post-holiday mush. And it feels sooo good!
 While we were away, I finished crocheting this footstool cover. Unfortunately, without taking the footstool with me, I made a little too long. So much work went into it that I am now thinking I might have another box made to the crochet cover dimensions and recrochet a cover for the original which one of the boys can have in their room.

 Jonno came up to visit us for a night and gathered a wild boquet for me from the beach.  
 I am still a little addicted to sparkley wool - at the moment I am finishing a cowl that was ordered from the sale. It is such a pleasure.
 And as for other news, this magazine arrived in the mail the other day.
With a lovely little paragraph about me! By the way, I didn't do the highlighting - it was printed like that...
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.