Thursday, August 1, 2013

Colour Inspiration @ Paper Plane....

 Today I went on a little pilgrimage to The Mount (Mount Maunganui), a very cool area in Tauranga, and is a cityish peninsula flanked by the most beautiful beaches imaginable and then capped off by a tiny mountain that seems to stick up out of the middle of the sea.
 My destination was a new shop that has just started up called Paper Plane. We do have some good shops in Tauranga, please don't get me wrong... it's just that there aren't many places that excite me to the tips of my toes and make me want to well, make and do. 
 And Paper Plane did this for me - wahoo. It made me feel happy to have eyes just so I could eat up all the amazing colours that lash their very good goods.
 For heaven's sake - look at the use of neons in this fabric - ridiculously perfect.
 And as for these swans - what a good birthday present idea for anybody wondering what to get for me. Both of them please. They were quite high up on the wall (possibly to stop people like me from licking them) which is why the photo is on such a funny angle. 
I had better add right now that I am in no way, shape or form being sponsored or bribed for this rave. It's just nice on days like this though, to have a blog so you can justify taking photos of gorgeous things in a shop without being labelled too much of a stalker. I wouldn't do this in a lingerie shop.
 Cooolooouuuuurrrrr..... that was written in a zombie voice by the way.
 These lights were amazing. I would really love a ginormous christmas tree to thread them all through. That would be my version of paradise. Could you imagine.
 And.... the perfect knitting bag! One that almost wouldn't look out of place if you took it fishing and sometimes that exactly the kind of flexibility that I am after.
 And concretey milk bottley bottles. I really liked these and loved how the soft grey bounced about with the dusty pinks and blues in the prints behind them.
And this photo... well this is one of me taken by Krista who is the brains behind it all (with her partner). I couldn't resist this print by Evie Kemp. Krista took the photo as she thought that I was wearing the exact clothes the cockatoo would wear if it could wear clothes. I decided to take it as high praise.
Anyhoo - that was my day, out and about in town. 
Tomorrow I am going to gather up all of my books that I am reading and take a photo for a new book post.
Until then lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. I am too tired to proof read for spelling and grammar mistakes so pleeez fawgiv mea.