Saturday, August 24, 2013

This Week's Books...

This week's library pile was quite tall so I split it in two. Sometimes I wonder why I have a sore back on Saturday morning... it wouldn't have anything to do with lugging big library hauls to the car. Surely not. 
I am very excited this week as I have Karin Slaughter's latest thriller AND Tiffany Baker's newish book, 'The Gilly Salt Sisters'. I adored her first novel, 'Little Giant of Aberdeen County' so much and I am sure from reading the blurb, that this will end up to be a goodun too.
Hugo has just discovered Percy Jackson (thank goodness for Rick Riordon) and as Jonno just finished reading him the 3rd Harry Potter (or Ha-Po as they call him???), they can now start on 'Sea of Monsters'. Jonno and I came to an unspoken agreement a while ago that I would read to Archie and he would read to Hugo at night. That way we don't have to repeat too many chapter books and they can head off in which ever literary direction they want. 
Archie is 10 and an avid reader but still loves me reading to him. The great thing is that we now read a lot of different books, autobiographies (Roald Dahl, Bear Grylls and Gerald Durrald (sp?)) and great fiction. I can read books to him that are intended for older audiences because we can discuss what's going on or even (because there are some things a mother should never read to her son), skim past certain sections (I'm very good at ad-libbing).
The boys are in crackerjack moods this weekend because Jonno is having a bit of time off. Calving is very busy on the farm and Jonno puts in his all. So to have a snippet of time is gold. The boys are celebrating by taking an engine apart with him in the shed. They also spent a good part of the morning roasting a lemon outside - I think they were supposed to be helping Jonno clean out the car so I don't quite know when they decided that they had pressing culinary needs to pursue. Once they dusted off the ash they cut it open and decided it was quite the best way to eat a lemon. Okay...
I'm doing a bit of cooking today but when it's all done, I'm planning to cover a lampshade that has been sitting like an ugly toad next to my bed. It's gonna be so purty.
Hope you are having a good day.
What book/s have you got for the weekend. Leave a link in the comment section below and I will drop by to see.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.