Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Costumes and the Price of Magic.

 Sooo, here is a photo of me in my costume - the light was a bit dodgy as it was taken at night but you get the gist. I am holding my forest... it's always good for a wildflower meadow to be near a forest.
This is Jonno (fake tattoo) with his brother (Wolverine). Very convincingly wild.
Now for something different, I am using this spoon as a bit of segue. Archie is learning lots of magic tricks and the price of this is his mother finding bent and broken spoons around the house. The other reason (the first being that I think it's funny) why I am putting up this photo is so that you can't compare me in costume to my gorgeous niece Rose who kindly agreed to model it for me today. 
 I felt that I didn't get enough photos of the costume, so Rose (fresh off the plane after being overseas with her family for a year) let me decorate her.

Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.