Friday, July 18, 2014

The Best Mermaid Ever.....and it could be yours!

 This is Hannah. She is a beeeeaaaauuuutiful mermaid made by my very dear friend Amanda of Amanda Makes. There is a part of me that almost doesn't want to do this post as I would so love to buy Hannah myself (but don't worry, I am putting lots of bids on for her). However, my good conscience is winning out... and so, I will let Amanda tell you about Hannah (by the way, this is where you go to bid):
"So I finally got myself sorted and listed Hannah the Mermaid on Ebay! I am selling her to raise money for Cancer Research so if you'de like to give her a home then please follow this link and bid for her! The listing opens at 20.05 tonight. This is my really small way of trying to help in the fight against this dreadful disease. I know the devastation that cancer brings in it's wake, not just in terms of health but on so many other levels as well. I'm hoping and praying with all my heart that CRUK can help to find cures for the many different forms of cancer including the one that has struck my darling girl. It would be great if you could share this post as much as possible. Thank you all so much Happy bidding! Lots of love Amanda xxxx"
Amanda is the most wonderful person. On our travels she welcomed our boisterous family into her jewel box of a flat that she shares with her gorgeous daughter Jenny. And she made us feel so welcome and so loved and even let us sleep there for a couple of nights.
 Can you imagine the craziness that went on. Jonno may look a little concerned in this photo but really, he was as happy as a clam.
See!!! In fact, we may have made ourselves a little bit too much at home. 
How could we not though, Amanda has made the most beautiful place imaginable. The boys walked in and you could almost see their backpack-wearing, travelling shoulders drop in relief that they were finally in a place that made sense to them. And they looooooved Amanda so much that they have decided to come and live with her in Manchester and study gamekeeping (as you do).
 This is me in my favourite chair - I am sure that I didn't say to Archie - please take my photo in this chair.
 AND we made a Stanley together - I have a vague inkling that too much talking went on though. Archie kept us company with his hand knitting.
Such a special time and would you believe - there is another instalment to come.
Lots and lots of love,
p.s. Remember to go here.