Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blossom Loveliness.

Today is the first day of daylight saving. And surprisingly (the weather forecast was grim), the day has been warm and gauzily beautiful, bees buzzing madly and blossom puffing up trees.
Hugo and I spent the afternoon together - Archie was busy on the farm with Jonno earning pocket money and learning how to milk cows.
Hugo dragged a chair under our big cherry blossom, wrote a lovely letter to me and ensured that I had a cup of tea. He then jumped up and down with a branch so I would be showered with petals - isn't that the closest to heaven you can get on earth?
 A happy boy in Spring!
 I know I am biased but awwwwwwwwwww.
 Can you imagine how happy I was to see this envelope from Hugo waiting on my special chair.....
I hope whatever your weather is, you are having a wonderful Sunday too!
Lots of love,
Kate. xxooxx.