Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Faux Taxidermy Knits - A Review!!!!

First of all, let me begin by saying that life is wonderful and life is short and I now have a policy of only reviewing books that I really, really, really love - why waste time talking about something that isn't inspirational. So when I was contacted to review 'Faux Taxidermy Knits' by Louise Walker and join in on her bloghop, I jumped at the chance.
It really is the most inspired, creative and beautiful knitting book that I have seen in ages and has me itching to pick up my knitting needles again.
I wish I could have tried out a pattern before now but with the ball, school play, caravan and sick kids, it's just not been possible. Probably a good thing too because I am still in negotiations with who gets to choose the first project. 
Louise is the most amazing artist - her blog teems with crazy amazingness. Actually, I am more than a bit in awe of her, she not only created all of these patterns but also did the photography for the book too. And it's just gorgeous.
This is my absolute and utter favourite project - this photo isn't as vibrant as the others and this is my fault as I copied and pasted it from my pdf of the book. Think even more beautiful colours than what I'm showing. I just wish that I could have knitted this for Jonno to take around at the ball on Saturday night. It would  have gone so well with his frenchman outfit and his crocheted snail. 
 Archie and Hugo are very keen for me to knit this one up.......
 And Archie is desperate to have a mole doorstop - we were so fascinated by all of the mole holes we saw in England. It took us a little while to work out what they were at first.... crop polka dots?
And this is my other favourite project - the badger's head. I think it would go very nicely on the family photograph wall. He is so handsome.
I am so thrilled to be a part of this bloghop - it really is such a special book and it is always such a treat when your kids (especially boys) love it just as much as you do.
You can buy it here, here, here and here. It's also available as an ebook.
One last thing, I feel so fortunate to be creatively able in a time where knitting, crocheting and sewing has been elevated from the concept of being 'a domestic pursuit' to an art form. These books would never have been available a few years ago and it is such a joy to see these amazing projects being printed and celebrated.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate. xxooxxooxx.
p.s. I am about to fly out and visit my family in Australia so the next couple of posts will be coming to you from my mobile phone. I hope the quality will be ok. Please forgive me if the photos are a bit smaller!