Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Yarny Days.

 Time is moving swiftly at the moment. Summer is quickly changing to Autumn and my big little Archie grew 1cm in 1 week. How does this happen? The roses are onto their last flush and the apples are plumping up in the orchard. 
This is actually my favourite time of the year, both boys were born in Autumn and the sudden cold mornings and clear skies fill me with such a nostalgia... of course it also means that two birthdays are looming and no presents have been purchased!
My days have been filled with endless crocheting and stitching (more on that another day) so I have been getting up early each morning for a walk. Some mornings the boys come with me - these mornings are the ones where I have to remind myself to walk slowly and enjoy the conversation. Other mornings it's just Bertie (our Border Collie) and myself enjoying/avoiding the fresh dairy farm smells that crop up here and there, barking at pheasants (just Bertie I swear) and trying to get a little bit of a pace up.
My ergonomically adjusted chair.
I've also been having a bit of a book festival. Lovely, easy reads have been making their way to my bedside table. I adored 'Garden Spells' by Sarah Addison Allen which was her first book written in 2007. 'First Frost' is a sequel and has only just been released - I loved it, truly a case of catching up with old friends. 
Susan Wiggs has also kept me very happy with her Bella Vista Chronicles. The first in the series is called 'The Apple Orchard' and the second, 'The Beekeeper's Ball'. Add a little bit of Tess Gerristsen to the mix and you have a nice balance!
And finally, some roses.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate. xxooxx.