Friday, June 12, 2009

New(ish) colour combinations.

Sometimes I feel as though I have been staring at my basket of wool for too long and I am beginning to tire of the faces looking back at me. That's usually about the time I embark on a trip to town to visit my favourite shop, '11th Ave Wool'. However, keeping the rest of the world company, we are having to tighten the purse strings (I wish I had a purse with strings) and limit these exhilarating kinds of excursions.
Last night when I began to hit the brick wall of hexagoning (which is an essential part of the process otherwise I would never get to bed) I had a chance encounter with some very soft colours and suddenly, with energy renewed, went a little free-form. I am now feeling pretty happy with this new combination and can't wait to do a bit more circle work.
By the way, is there anybody out there who also thinks electricity is really a scientific word for magic?