Saturday, March 27, 2010

Aututmny Things.

It is the beginning of Autumn and finally, after a little bit of rain, it feels as though the dreadful New Zealand humidity might have been chased away. The sky suddenly seems so high, as though the ceiling has been taken off a house and the atmosphere is clear and breathable.
Cats are cosily curled up on the couch.
Hot water bottles have been unearthed from the hot water bottle cupboard. And vests are nearing completion (only to be discovered there isn't much difference in sizing from last years).
Last night I was singing 'Away in a Manger' to this little Hugo and only sang the first verse. Hugo was feeling a bit short-changed and said "You didn't sing it all, you didn't sing 'the kettle is boiling bit'". I had to do my best thinking which is very hard to do when you are all snuggled up with them in the dark, trying to get them to sleep but also trying not to let your own eyes close. I finally realised he was meaning "the cattle are lowing, the baby awakes". Hugo's version, "the kettle is boiling, the baby awakes" makes much more sense as we have a whistling kettle. I think I know how I will be singing 'Away in a Manger' in the future.