Friday, March 5, 2010

Birthday Preparations.

I had to start the photos with a bit of kick. These shoes belong to my niece and are as soft as butter. I wish they were mine. Time to give them back to her though as she has been barefoot at the bus stop two mornings in a row.
This is what I spent last night doing. Making frames from cupcakes cases for mobiles. The plan is that the childers will thread on pompoms, paper cranes, buttons and anything else that catches their eye... dried rabbit poo perhaps, a few insects maybe?

Bunting ready to be festooned around the trees.
And little cupcakes with melted marshmallows on top
I hope four year olds will enjoy being served food from our best silver. I had better make sure Archie doesn't commandeer it for a shield.
Well, lots more to do. Wish me luck...