Monday, April 5, 2010

Beach Knitting and Pikelet Eating.

My knitting came to the beach. It was very well behaved and didn't even go swimming.
This is the wild and woolly beach at the back of Uncle Todd's farm. Can you even begin to imagine this as your backyard?
Thinking of the lovely Vanessa with all of the rocks and pebbles everywhere.
Drop scones (pikelets) on the beach. We forgot plates and so thought some flat rocks would be perfect. I would know like an entire dinner set.
Hugo thought it was pretty good.
Just a little note as we are all a bit tuckered after a big day on the beach and the journey to get there (lots of river crossings). Jonno's brother Todd is the luckiest person on earth with his own beach at the bottom of the farm. Not a swimming beach though, but a good rug up, have a fire and collect stones kind of a beach.
I walked some of the way back and have come into the house a little cold. Jonno has dinner ready, his very best cottage pie and my stomach is growling.
Mum, thank you so much for your email - I am having trouble getting them out but please keep sending them to me. XXOOXXOOXX.