Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Bit of This...

Eeeekkkk - I can't believe a whole week has almost passed without another post... this is shocking. In fact, I am still reeling from the fact that it is Saturday!!! How is it that three weeks of rainy holidays took two years and one week of children back at school and lots of sunshine went in the blink of an eye. Hmmm, very strange that is.
While this week has been a busy one, there has been a lot of tea drinking and the best thing is, I have made it through most cups without interruption. I always show all of the beautiful moments with my boys on the blog and I think it is okay to say there is that other side which all families have too. Don't get me wrong, my boys are insanely lovely, but also very, very, very human and it has all been a bit challenging lately. Both of them are shooting up like rockets which is very tiring physically and emotionally for them and their mother...
Right now I am sitting in bed typing this, sipping on tea and knowing I should get up. Archie is having three friends over for the night as part of his belated birthday party. There is going to be bowling, pizza, 'Back to the Future' 1 and 2, lollies and chips. Maybe even, if I can convince them, some rambling about on the farm. They are great little boys and all obsessed with Lego so I am sure they will keep themselves busy anyway.
So on that note, I had better start hauling myself out of bed to ice cakes and clear some of the grass from the floor (Hugo was making silage for the Slipper Sisters last night).
Have a lovely weekend,
Love Kate xxooxx.
p.s. On Monday I am going to be reviewing the most wonderful craft book!!! Come and check it out.