Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunshine in Winter.

Paper cranes are such a good way to fill in a few minutes at the end of a studio morning.
I haven't been spending much time up in the studio as all of my work seems to be much more couch based with crochet hooks and knitting needles. When all of the sunshine floods in though, it changes my focus as I don't want to waste any of that precious winter light.
The boys revelled in the weekend weather, making bird houses to go with the milk bottle feeder that Archie made at Cubs. Archie decided he had better grind up the bird seed with the mortar and pestle as he thought the seeds might be to big for their little beaks. Awwwwww. I love my big boy.

And to answer a question that keeps cropping up. The pattern for this hexagon blanket comes from Lucy at attic24. Her patterns really are the best.
Time to cook dinner for the fam!
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.