Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crafty Joy.

I can't believe it has almost been a week since my last post... With school holidays ending and a new term starting, the days have slipped through my fingers faster than sand. However, we have all been very busy with our makings over the last week and I've managed to catch a few of them on camera before they were sent out to the world.
Above are Hugo's plans for a butterfly tree hut. Don't you love the flowers and the big smile, our plane tree is very friendly.
I've been crocheting lots and lots of gardenia floral brooches for my friend's shop. I have made so many now that every time I open my hands I seem to find another one unfurling in my palm.
My roses beginning to flower again. There are so many tight green buds springing up that the house will be awash with them in a couple of weeks.
The boys had to have some injections for various things a couple of days ago. Archie was keen to be photographed with his reward... a packet of Smints (they were both desperate for them - I really don't understand, wouldn't you prefer a packet of Smarties?). He was so brave, volunteering to go first so Hugo wouldn't have to and then keeping a poker face during the whole procedure so as not to alarm his little brother.
The day after, Hugo decided he needed to have Ted Ted at school with him. We were both a little afraid his furry friend may get lost so he made a paper one to take with him instead. I wish we thought of this when he was at pre-school as I lived in constant fear of T.T. being left behind.
I love the placement of the face stripes - oh yes, T.T. is really a cat.
One of Hugo's friends is turning six on the weekend. I decided to make her a floral head band which has really turned into one of my highlights for the week.
I still have a few more flowers to stitch on but fortunately Tinkerbell was very happy to model it for me.
She loved it... no, really.
I had better pop away and start making up the guest bed as my mum is flying to New Zealand tomorrow. I can't wait!!!!
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.