Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cushions and Roses.

I do have lots of things to show you and a few more christmassy ideas that are swirling around my head, but for the moment, I will make do with showing you a few little bits from the past couple of days. My roses are finally in full bloom and I have been cutting as many as possible. My yellow rose above, 'Golden Celebration' has produced its first few blooms and I would now say that it is my favourite yellow rose ever. I can't wait for when it coincides with my 'Blue Moon' bush.
I have been steadily working on presents but am beginning to get that feeling that whatever is made is unravelled over night by pixies as I don't seem to be getting through the list very quickly.
I have however, finally finished the hexie cushion over the weekend and it has been put into good use since. Somebody's bottom has made good use of it I can see.
An unsquished version.
And the back.
Thursday night is always a little bit nice as Jonno plays cricket, the boys go to bed early and I get a some t.v. crochet and couch time to myself. There is something so luxurious about it... oh yes and I don't cook. The boys and I have a breakfasty sort of a dinner which takes the pressure off too.
Have a lovely night,
love Kate xxooxxooxx.
p.s. The boys have been obsessed with 'The Labyrinth' for a while now and especially with David Bowie who they think has a very fine singing voice. Hugo just said to me then.... "David Bowie is famous because he can walk up walls and ceilings". I love how David Bowie has a secret life and is a hero to a new mini generation.