Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Rainy Day.

Archie woke with a heavy cold this morning and was too snuffly to go to school. We are in the middle of a rainy patch at the moment and so, it seemed much more sensible for Archie to stay in bed for the day reading Harry Potter. I love how even during breakfast he still kept his eye on the book.
I have been a little under the weather too with an annoying ear thingy that pops up every now and again. A good day to snuggle up with Archie and crochet a shawl I am working on.
How lucky are we to be able to comfort ourselves with the making of such things.
This is the next colour I will be working with.
Archie made this over the weekend. I love it, such a peaceful place to live I'd imagine.... although tiny hidden swords may indicate otherwise.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxxooxx.