Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Projects.

 Before I start writing about my new projects, I must first give you a little peep of a beautiful bunch of flowers that my friend Stef gave to me. I will post some more photos another time - they are giving me so much joy!
 Here is Stef with baby Evie in a top I printed a few years ago. It's funny how you forget the things you make along the way. I went through a stage of stenciling baby shirts.... and stopped when Hugo grew out of the available sizes.
This baby is made for nibbling.
 So, as for the next project - at the end of November, I am going to be having an open studio and sale. Unfortunately, this will not be an online sale although by next year I will be looking at doing lots more in cyberspace. If you are in Tauranga or the Bay of Plenty and would like to come along, email me and I will pass on the details of when and where.
My other new project at the moment is developing a range of Stanley cards. They won't be ready to go online by Christmas but they will be available next year. I will keep you updated. My first batch of Christmas cards arrived this morning which was very exciting, they are so glossy and card-like.... just like real ones!
Have a lovely day,
Love Kate xxooxx.
p.s. Did I mention that some of the cards I am designing at the moment will come with crochet patterns.....