Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Weeks....

 I am so, so, so sorry that it has been over a week since my last post.... I have been sick with a horrible bug that has had me in bed for the past little while. It's amazing how a little virus can stop you in your tracks. Thankfully, I have been able to do a bit around the house today and we may even have some clean clothes tomorrow.
Hugo is still wandering around with Chocolate Brownie stuffed down a sleeve, pocket or in a collar. He is just starting to grow his feathers and look a little raggedy (the chicken, not Hugo) but Hugo loves him all the same. I have never come across such a patience little rooster.
 One of my favourite roses, 'Pierre de Ronsard' is flowering. It is a climbing variety and is now well over 2 metres, shooting away over the last couple of months. I have spent a lot of time standing in front of it with admiration.
 I have my studio sale coming up next week and have been finishing all sorts of projects that have been lying dormant for the past couple of years. There are little fellows like this strewn all about the house.
 And last thing, the boys took some flowers to school today - Hugo for a little friend who is having a birthday and Archie for his teacher. They make my heart sing.
By the way, my most exciting news is that my sister has started up a blog again. She is the most wonderful photographer, creative, writes beautifully and is doing all sorts of wonderful stuff building a new house AND renovating another one. You can find her over here! I am so excited because it is such a lovely window into her world. Go and say hello!
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.