Wednesday, January 9, 2013


 I am so, so, so sorry that I have been M.I.A. over the holidays and completely neglected my Christmas and New Year wishes to you.... but you see, I have been back home (other home) to Australia to catch up with family and friends for the past three weeks and I have barely been near a computer.
It has been a real joy watching the boys catch up with their cousins (note Archie and Hugo with their big cousin Charlie above), it is such a special thing how they all know and love each other so much even thought the time they spend together is limited.
 Under strict parental supervision they had a ball doing all sorts of wacky things such as riding bikes into dams. The bike was tied to rope so they could haul it back out again - the best thing about this was that the bike came out sparkling.....

Lots of dog cuddling duty.
 Lazing in the Melbourne Botanic Gardens.
 Elephant spotting.
And South Melbourne marketing to do.
I have so many more photos to show you - especially of shoes....
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. Happy New Year!