Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Liberty, Velvet and Chalk.

 Mum is due to arrive tomorrow and I have spent the morning making her bed, sewing cushions and trying to keep my ridiculously surging excitement under control. Aggggghhhhhh!
 I bought the navy blue velvet cover yesterday. It is like nestling your head against the furry underside of a bumblebee. Archie is desperate to claim the cushion but I know there is a place for it in my room once Mum leaves.
After making the first Liberty cushion cover, I knew a second one was calling. I love how they are snuggled up together looking out the window.
 Doesn't the navy blue cushion look proud of its little friends.
 They lub each other.
 Now all we need is a Gaga (Mum) to complete the picture.
Oh yes, here are some books waiting for her.
And if you were wondering what's in the yellow striped mug.... It's chalk.
Lots of love,
Kate xxxxx.
p.s. Hurry up Mum!!!