Thursday, May 9, 2013

More Hot Water Bottling... From Bed.

 Hugo and I are now both suffering from the dreaded lurgy. Lots of temperatures, head aches and snuffliness. So we have both been snuggling in bed this morning, crocheting (me), reading books and playing on the ipod (Hugo).
 In this photo he is playing on the iPod - I thought I had better point this out as his stare is pretty intense.
 It's funny how kids look so much younger when they are unwell. Look at those peachy little cheeks.
 I've been working on two things this morning, a crochet apple tutorial which will be up in the next couple of days and finishing off another hot water bottle cover.
You have to be careful with these hot water bottles, they become very addictive.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.