Monday, May 20, 2013

Washi Tape, Scrabble and Blackboards.

 This weekend was pretty special. Lots of little things that added up to wonderful. The boys and I went to the library on Saturday morning (I really should have taken a photo of our book stacks for this post) and then Stef came around in the afternoon with a 10th birthday present for Archie. 
The present of course was amazing - if you are needing presents for 10 year old boys, you can't beat a tin full of science experiment cards AND a mini book-sized pool table. The boys played with it all weekend. However, what really impressed me was the wrapping. Archie knows and understands me well, see how carefully the paper was removed....
 Washi tape wizardry.
 Later on our neighbours came over for a curry and scrabble night. Jonno had to show us his letters as he came up with a new chicken flavoured fizzy drink which he is sure will be a big hit.
 During the early hours of Sunday morning, I dreamt that I was painting a big old Victorian house. And so upon waking and in a decorating kind of mood, I finally painted the blackboard wall I have had earmarked for quite some time. Hugo helped too.
 And did the final coat this morning (nothing in this photo is actually touching the wall and it was dry by the time I pushed everything back). I can't wait to season it (you rub chalk sideways over the whole wall and then wipe it off) and then be able to draw all over it. A pretty good transformation for $25.
 I think it is going to be a great background for photography too so I am really excited.
Those colours are doing it for me.

Lots of love, Kate xxx.
p.s. Jonno and I saw Iron Man 3 yesterday afternoon and it was insanely good - my favourite so far and hysterically funny. I hooted loudly and often.