Friday, August 2, 2013

A New Batch of Library Books.

 I thought I'd better show you some of the books I have out on loan from the library at the moment. Honestly, I have never come across such a wonderful temple of books in my life. The craft section literally groans with the most amazing selection of books possible (actually it doesn't, I think the sound might come from me but if anybody looks at me, I just point to the shelves with a slightly disturbed expression as though it is coming from pages lurking within).
 I have to admit that I do work the system, constantly checking for new books and putting them on oder so that I am the first to crack the spine (and smell the new book smell).
 This is the pile of fiction that I am currently working my way through. I have already read "The Rosie Project" though but I included it because it is one of my favourite reads this year. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
I love books.
What are you reading? I would love to add your suggestions to my list...
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.