Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Birthday...

Can you believe that it is that time again? What time you might ask.... why, my birthday season. Here I am with the boys (and my bird crown which I thought would be appropriate for the day) sharing my joy. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY LOVE BIRTHDAYS - not just mine - everybody's. You can tell that Archie has been through a few of my ones now - look at his slightly bemused face. 
I love this time of year because you can decorate your house any way you like and say "It's just for my birthday". This helps you to justify things like sticking hot air balloons to your ceiling with washi tape.
 And threading pompoms through wisteria.
 Or adding pompoms to the roof.
 Or filling transparent balloons with interesting things.
 (Such as pompoms and confetti - some even had fake flowers)
 Putting birds in with roses.
 And buying pretty straws.
It has also given me an excuse to go crazy over making pompoms with the boys these holidays. Hugo is so good now that he is considering opening a pompom hair salon.

 There have even been a few presents which I will show you in my next post. I have been very spoilt.
 This really is how homes should look all the time.
 Ceilings are very bland without a little bit of party bling....
This is the house two days after my birthday. I will take the decorations down soon but I won't lie, it will be hard. Bring on Christmas.....
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.