Thursday, November 28, 2013

Home Stuff.

 Last night I had a little play with some crochet and cross-stitch. I can't wait to do more…. think of all the possibilities.
This afternoon has been pretty exciting with a load of pea straw being dropped off at the front door.  My wire dress can't stop itself from looking. I am going to do some straw bale vegetable gardening  - google it if you haven't heard of it. I'll show photos as I go along but being a beginner, my explanation is bound to be less than satisfactory.
And can you believe that it is that time of the year again - next week sees me setting up the house for my annual Christmas studio sale. Or as I wrote on the flyer, my stuido sale. Just love a good typo, don't you….
Lots and lots of love,
Kate Bruning.
p.s. If you are in the Tauranga area, email me and I will send you the details for the sale.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pink and Peas.

 I walked in from the car today carrying this combination of pink and green. Isn't it amazing. I think I stared at my hand for a little bit too long…
 The boys are busy making their Christmas lists at the moment. I love how they wanted to write down what we would like too. So, a back scratcher for Jonno.
 And they have also been weaving with flax. I think they have done such a great job. Hugo's is above and Archie's below. Anything that keeps them off the streets.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Little Cards.

 I have been meaning to post these photos forever. My amazing next door neighbour made this birthday card for me. I have a sheet of similar tiny stickers and never dreamt of making little cards from them. I think it's inspired.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

On the Ground Running.

Well, life in New Zealand has picked up pace again. It is amazing how fresh my brain feels after our sojourn to Australia even though it was quite physically and emotionally challenging. 
Archie and Hugo had a dress up day at school where they had to wear gold or go as a miner. Archie decided to be a canary and his little brother followed suit. So cute!!! They both made their own costumes and looked so sweet. Once again I missed taking a photo of Archie because as soon as it was made he packed it away to keep it safe in his school bag.

 I love costumes you can staple rather than sew. Archie is a professional.
 And my roses are out again. They are such a joy, especially my 'Pierre de Ronsard'.
 On Friday I finally made it back to the library where I had 11 holds waiting for me. I think the boys thought it was Christmas when they arrived home from school. I love that 'safe' feeling when you have a stack of books waiting to be read. Nothing worse than running out….
 I have also been working on some mysterious projects which I will hopefully be able to tell you about soon. In the meantime, let's just say that it looks as though a plague has swept through.
And here is Birdboy number two!
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Goodbye Kind of Holiday.

 After my last post saying that we were unwell, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that maybe the whole family had succumbed to the plague. In actual fact, we have been in Australia saying goodbye to my parents' farm. I thought I had better include the photo of Hugo above holding kangaroo poo for proof. He was very please with it…
And here I am in Australia - see the eucalyptus behind me. I am obviously saying something incredibly profound, maybe even mathematical?
Mum's garden is an absolute delight at the moment so I took reams of photos. I think it will be very hard to say goodbye to, particularly all of her roses which are incredible.
Her garden is filled with all sorts of little niches. I love the sedum growing in the stone wall.
 Roses, borage, valerian, echiums, wall flowers, lambs ears. Heaven.

 Precious hands (my mum and my sister) and precious roses.
 While we were busy packing, Hugo took it upon himself to conquer bike riding. As we live on a very hilly farm in New Zealand, biking hasn't really been an option. We have tried him up at the beach house a few times but he has been very firmly attached to his training wheels. So wahoo for the summer, many more bike riding adventures for us to have.
 So, a very busy and emotional 10 days. Very hard to say goodbye to everyone this time but so special to be able to help and enjoy a last stay on the farm.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Christmas Cards.

 Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments. Would you believe that I am still being lashed about by the lurgy which is so inconvenient because it's one of those ridiculously busy times. Gaahhh.
Something exciting is happening though. I have almost finished going through the rigmarole of setting up my own company (long story) so I will soon be able to sell cards and all sorts of other things online. I can't wait. Unfortunately I won't be able to sell this year's batch of Christmas cards (which are for friends and family) but I will have plenty of other ones available!
 Here is a sneak peek of one design. It was such a cold day - Nothing like wearing a crochet scarf or jumper…. or dress…. or ears… or body.
And the backside…..
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

Friday, November 1, 2013

At Last - More Books!!!

 I am sooo, sooo, sorry about being so quiet on the blog. We are all sick at the moment with yucky viruses that make us want to lie about groaning like lazy, bedridden zombies. There is an upside to all of this though - we do have lovely piles of books to be read. 
 Today I will let the pictures talk for themselves because it is almost panadol time and it was enough of an effort to upload the photos (you know how it can be).

I have been working of a few other projects but will tell you more about them next week.
In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend and please tell me what you have been reading because these piles are going to whittle themselves down pretty quickly.
Love Kate xxooxx.