Sunday, November 24, 2013

On the Ground Running.

Well, life in New Zealand has picked up pace again. It is amazing how fresh my brain feels after our sojourn to Australia even though it was quite physically and emotionally challenging. 
Archie and Hugo had a dress up day at school where they had to wear gold or go as a miner. Archie decided to be a canary and his little brother followed suit. So cute!!! They both made their own costumes and looked so sweet. Once again I missed taking a photo of Archie because as soon as it was made he packed it away to keep it safe in his school bag.

 I love costumes you can staple rather than sew. Archie is a professional.
 And my roses are out again. They are such a joy, especially my 'Pierre de Ronsard'.
 On Friday I finally made it back to the library where I had 11 holds waiting for me. I think the boys thought it was Christmas when they arrived home from school. I love that 'safe' feeling when you have a stack of books waiting to be read. Nothing worse than running out….
 I have also been working on some mysterious projects which I will hopefully be able to tell you about soon. In the meantime, let's just say that it looks as though a plague has swept through.
And here is Birdboy number two!
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.