Monday, March 17, 2014

Books for a Hurricane.

 Friday afternoon saw Archie and I at the library stocking up frantically on books to get us through the weekend. Why the frantic pace.... according to the met service, Cyclone Lusi was bowling its way towards us. Of course we did stop at the supermarket as well, food is always good at such times but really, books were top of our list.

I also had this book arrive in the mail. It is such a lovely one - I will take you for a tour another day (I am also trying to get dinner cooked so I had limited photographic time). It comes with a present in a little glassine bag secured with washi tape... 

In the end we were very lucky with the cyclone in that it delivered rain to our area with little to no damage. We lost power occasionally but had it at night - you can't ask for more than that. 
Still no crochet yet. I tried knitting last night but ended up with a throbbing finger again. Patience is required AND a good pile of books helps: 

-I am reading 'Mercy Snow' by Tiffany Baker (who writes wonderful books) and am devouring it. Set in small town America, it has a very good story line with an older mystery running through a modern tragedy.

-I have just finished 'While Beauty Slept' by Elizabeth Blackwell which I cannot recommend highly enough. It is a retelling of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale using a historic (as opposed to fantastical) spin. I couldn't put it down (which didn't particularly matter with the rain beating down) until I finished and came away feeling so sleek and satisfied. It was so cleverly told and I don't really want to tell you much more because the story is so well known that its reboot delights with surprises and I don't want to spoil that for you. So go and read it and then we can talk about it.

-If you are up for a thrill, then you may enjoy Jennifer McMahon's 'The Winter People' as much as I did. I finished it quite a few days ago but it is still haunting me a bit. She is such a good storyteller.  Watch out for the sleepers (kind of a bit like zombies but much more benign) and the snow.

Anyway, better go and check on dinner - baked potatoes and sausages with tomato jam.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.

p.s. I am often asked how I get through so many books. The truth is that I wake up earlier than I need  and steal as much time before the boys wake. I then read for a while after lunch (like my mum and granny did before me) and then will always read for as long as possible at night before going to sleep. In fact I can't get to sleep without reading for at least 30 mins. Luckily Jonno is exactly the same so there are never complaints about the lights being on.