Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stanley and the Hot Air Balloon - On Sale Now!

I don't know how this day came about so suddenly... but, 'Stanley and the Hot Air Balloon' is now waiting to be bought from my shop here. I post all over the world and at this stage, postage is FREE!!! Can you believe it.
If you haven't visited my blog before, let me tell you about Stanley. He is a little rabbit that I made a few years ago. You can imagine how startled I was when he began to talk. Not only that, but when he began to tell me his life story. This book is only the first instalment of his life set on a day when he was supposed to be having a nap but instead, went adventuring in a hot air balloon - you know how it can be with bunnies.
At the back of the book is a special crafting section where you can learn to make all sorts of things from the story like a hot air balloon, or tiny mice, or even.... your very own Stanley!!!
Here are some photos from the book.

Anyway, please feel free to go over and have a look. I will be doing all sorts of exciting things with it this month so please stay tuned.
Lots and lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.