Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Favourite Hot Chocolate (in York)

 I have now taken all of the photos and almost finished writing up the tutorial for the roses but it's suddenly reached the stage on a Sunday afternoon where I just want to snuggle with the boys on the couch and make the most of a rainy night. I hope you understand and I promise that tomorrow it will be action stations again!
So, for the meantime I thought I would show a photo of one of my favourite places on our trip - a caravan named 'Flo' (run by the cupcake bakery Crumbs) by Yorkminster. By the way Yorkminster + vintage caravan = heaven.
 Flo serves the best hot chocolate ever and provides the most glorious seating as well.
 Can you imagine having a business like this. I know it would be full of hard work but from the outside - what a dream.
 The cupcakery itself was a delight. Hugo and I had the honoured job of buying a stash of cupcakes for the family.
We were both bedside ourselves with the pink couch. Hugo is still at that stage where anything he knows I like makes him squirmy and jumpy for joy.... "Look at this Mum, look at this Mum, look at this Mum".
Gaaaaahhhhh - they even had a great gluten free section which made me deliriously happy.
Lots and lots of love,
p.s. this post is completely unsolicited but I kind of wish that it was solicited (not a great word I know) and that I had been paid with an endless supply of cupcakes.