Friday, October 3, 2014

A Quick Round Up of Greedy For Colour Christmas Projects and Patterns!

I know it seems crazy to start thinking about Christmas. After all, October only popped up in the calendar a couple of days ago. But, as all crafters know, October is the month to really, really, really get making if you would like it to be  Christmas ready. I've put it off my making before only to regret it later. So come on, let's get going.
This year I am working on a Christmas project (to be revealed soon) and I'm delighted to say that Black Sheep Wools have very kindly offered to contribute the yarn needed for my project at a special rate! Wahoo!!!! So keep an eye out for the pattern which will be coming soon.
For the meantime, here are some projects from the past few years.....
 Crochet Balls -   Instructions for making the wreath aren't included but I tracked down some photos of  the construction process which I'll share next week.
 Angel Wings - I always think these would make a wonderful decoration hanging from a mini, handmade wire coat hanger. 
Crochet Apples - perfect for a Christmas tree, look at the colours!!!

And if you don't feel like decorating a tree this year, you could always hang your lighter decorations from the roof using washi tape to secure them. 
I hope something from the round-up has tickled your fancy and has you thinking Christmas thoughts!
Lots and lots of love,
Kate. xxooxx.