Sunday, November 16, 2014

Good Morning..... or Evening!

I hope you are having a lovely weekend. I'm still in pyjamas mid morning and feel like I should commit to clothing soon but it's soooooo snuggly. I've just finished an unputdownable thriller - 'Wolf' by Mo Hayder and have a stack of new choices waiting for me - I'll photograph them later. And I have only had one cup of tea so there are many more waiting for me to drink. I have a few must do crochet projects to work on which is always nice. And Archie is currently perusing cook books to find something to bake. Wahoo.
I hope you find yourself sandwiched in a cosy bit of time and space this weekend too.
Lots of love,
Kate. xxooxx.
p.s. If this is sounding too idyllic, I had better let you know that the house is a mess and any cut could turn gangrenous.....