Sunday, April 12, 2015


 We went to Hobbiton on the weekend. What a treat, something we have been meaning to do for the last few years and have only just managed to get around to.
 The colours - let me tell you, Hobbits have immaculate taste.
 The attention to detail was phenomenal. Look at this bird feeder!
 And honey outside a Hobbitsy beekeeper's house....
 Bilbo Baggin's house.
 Luckily I was on party business.
 Hobbit bunting.
 And my own little Hobbit (who is almost bigger than me).

 Laundry day.
 A Hobbit with a sore knee - he had his own personal guided tour on a golf cart.
 The Green Dragon.
What a magical day!
Lots of love,
Kate. xx