Monday, January 14, 2013

Crochet Star Wars.... That's Right!!!

 The lead up to Christmas was very frustrating for me blog-wise as all my crochet had to be kept secret until the big day. Archie asked earlier on in the year if I could please make him a set of crochet star wars characters... hooo hoo hoo hoo. Yes! 
 After much thought I decided to buy the patterns online rather than make them up myself, time being a huge factor in the quest so I went searching and found Lucy Ravenscar's amazing etsy shop. Her pattern writing is brilliant and I learnt so many new techniques while making all of the little creatures.
 I split the set in two, so that the boys would have to combine their set to play a full game. That being said, I also promised to double up on a couple each that were particular favourites. Hugo would like to have a Yoda like Archie and Archie would like an old Obi-Wan Kenobi like Hugo.
 Darth's buttons don't work which is a little bit of a relief to tell the truth. It is hard enough at home without the dark side coming too much into play.

 Best pals forever.
 Nice backsides fellas.
The gang. I have found a few more patterns since making these little guys so will add to the clan as time goes on.
Meanwhile, may the force be with you.
Love Kate xxooxx.
p.s. Thank you so much for all of your lovely sponge cake comments. They gave me a good laugh and warmed the cockles of my heart (what are heart cockles?).