Sunday, January 13, 2013

When a Sponge is more than a Sponge...

 Today I made my first sponge cake. Doesn't sound like much... except that for years I have been too overwhelmed by the thought to even try. I think there was a small and strange era when you could be judged by your cake and many were often found wanting. This has lingered with me, especially the comments that I used to hear like "It's just too fiddly" and "It never works out properly". 
I am very lucky that I have made my first sponge cake in 2013 when many of us have forgotten what a perfect sponge looks like. A slight dip in the centre - and excellent spot for storing cream. Slightly askew and lop-sided - an engineering feat!
 And the best thing was, it tasted really good. The boys have almost devoured the lot... which is good because I don't think they keep that well. The recipe is naturally gluten free, made with cornflour and custard powder - it came from a school cookbook given to me by my sister and I will ask her if there is a link to buy it online somewhere because it is amazing!!!!
On another note, I have some new pictures to hang up. Last term saw the boys studying Maori arts at school and Hugo came home with the wonderful feather collage (there is an official name for it which I will find out) and this sketch which he did at a local marae.
I adore his teacher for loving this sketch and displaying it on the wall. As she said to me, that was what it looked like.
Lots of love,
Kate xxooxx.
p.s. Is anybody else out there in New Zealand trying to survive this humidity. Just when I thought the air couldn't become any more dense it began to rain. First time in years that I have craved a cold beer and so instead cracked open a frosty ginger beer (one with alcohol) and watched the rain pour down feeling very, very, very tropical.