Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to Hang Pompoms Macrame Style - a tutorial.

BREAKING NEWS - Before we go any further, it's time to get the last orders of 2014 in  for 'Stanley and the Hot Air Balloon' as I am going to be shutting the shop for the holidays this Friday. Postage is still free but having run out of Christmas magnets, I will pop in extra postcards depicting Stanley's first Christmas. Thank you!

How to Hang a Pompom Macrame Style!

In New Zealand we have Christmas in Summer. I love it, I really do. However, it makes decorating the Christmas tree with winter ornaments a bit strange. And yet in the southern hemisphere, it's something we do although as you may have noticed from my last post, my tree is beginning to look more summery with every passing year. So for a twist, I came up with this tutorial, combining a pompom snowball with neon cord.

Wool/ yarn
Cord/ string

To begin, find some wool and follow my tutorial to make a quick 5 minute pompom - I used white yarn but any colour (or colours) would work well. 

Cut 4 lengths of cord of at least 120cm long.

Double the cord so the ends are all together and make a knot about 10 cm down from the doubled over end. This will form a loop to hang the pompom with.
 I put the loop around the top of a chair and then secure the top with a piece of masking tape. There should be 8 lengths of cord to work with.
Begin to divide the 8 lengths of cord into pairs. Take the first pair and tie an overhand knot (a single knot). Measure the next pair against the first knot worked and mark the spot with your thumb. Tie an overhand knot at the marked place. Continue to do the same with the last two pairs.
Move down to the next section to be worked which should be approx. 2-3cms below the first set of knots.
 Gather one cord from one pair and match it up with a length of cord from the next pair. Tie together with an overhand knot.
 Tie the unused cord from the last pair with a length of cord from the next pair. Continue to tie the cords, one from each pair until for more knots have been formed.
 Like this! See how it forms a circle.
 Working another 2-3cms down from the 2nd set of knots made, repeat the process again, working in a circle taking one cord from two neighbouring pairs and tying them together.
 Pop your pompom in to see where you need to tie off.
Mark with your thumb...
And then tie all 8 lengths together.
 I would love to make a million of these but I don't think I am going to have time. Imagine having them attached to the back of everyone's chairs for Christmas lunch and or having them festooned around the trees outside.
For the time being I have them stuck on the roof with washi tape so it looks as if it's snowing. Kind of anyway.... 
 Maybe I should get the boys making them too....
Lots and lots of love,
Kate. xxooxx.