Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Little Friends.

We are a restless, relentless bunch of creative people aren't we - always shooting off in different directions and finding inspiration in the most unlikely of places. I feel so blessed to have a community of likeminded people meeting through our blogs. Can you imagine if we were all still isolated in our little spaces without having this connection together! 
I've recently started a new project, crocheting little costumes for vintage Playmobil people and photographing them as they go about their daily lives (they are very busy). I popped a couple of photos onto Instagram and would you believe that there is a whole universe doing similar things (but without the crochet)!
 "What's new pussycat...."
 I am so enjoying this project and the boys are too.
 Even the little figurines are getting into it - this guy went a bit overboard with his posing though....
 All the possibilities - it really is one of my favourite things to do.

These littlies are so excited about decorating the tree, hopefully the snow will subside long enough for them to get started.
Lots of love,
Kate. xxooxx.