This is my little nephew who I have flown over to Australia to meet. He is wearing a jumper I knitted from an amazing pattern - the details of which escape me at the moment but I will look them up when I go home.
Anyhoo, I was only going to have one and a half weeks with my family, however... my stay has been extended as I have been left stranded by the ash cloud.
While it is so lovely having extra time with the fam, I am desperately missing Jonno and the boys and really feel as though Archie and Hugo have now been without their mother for far too long (although I know Jonno has been doing an amazing job). I need to nuzzle and nibble them.

In the meantime, I have been knitting lots of socks and crocheting slippers, one does have to keep themselves busy during adverse times... and it is so cold I have to do something in front of the roaring fire. Mum and I have been enjoying lots of chatting time, drinking tea time, knitting time and reading time which does soften the blow somewhat.

This sock is being knitted by
Sirdar's Crofter wool which is lovely and soft and makes the most fantastic pattern as you knit along. I am just using their sock pattern and it is a very quick knit.

Here is a little craft project from my sister's house which she did with her daughter. I adore the colours and think it would be such a great class project to do towards Christmas time.

And one more gratuitous cute shot. Don't you love his dimples. Lucy doesn't like it when I pretend he is mine. She finds it slightly disturbing....
Lots and lots of love,